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Grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) are classed as an incredibly invasive alien species, not native to the UK. They were first introduced in the 1870s from America but, by the 1930s the damage they were causing started to be recognised. 


Today they have colonised approximately 90% of England and Wales, destroying vast areas of UK forest, particularly beech, chestnut and oak trees. They have also had an extremely detrimental effect on native species such as the red squirrel.


Squirrels we see in parks and gardens as a rule will not present a problem, and people often enjoy seeing them. This tends to make grey squirrel control a fairly contentious issue.


Like rats they are largely controlled because the potential to damage your home, business or health is immense. Whilst they do nest in trees, they are equally at home in our attics and roof spaces. They are often mistaken for rats but when they are occupying a loft space they are far noisier and the potential damage to the structure of a building is high.


We wouldn’t advise anyone to tackle this type of pest problem on their own. To get rid of a squirrel problem in an attic or loft space requires the specialist knowledge of a pest technician and it is certainly important to know the law.


Only authorised traps can be used for squirrels and there are no amateur use products for poisoning squirrels available to the public.


As a pest control company we stock the legally authorised grey squirrel poisons and traps and will use a combination of both for grey squirrel removal.


We are based in Middletown, Powys, and we cover an area that encompasses Welshpool, Newtown, Oswestry, Shrewsbury and Bridgenorth.

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